S-DAW #1


The role marketing plays in my life is a way of showing me new offers on things that can either inspire, educate, or inform me. Marketing helps show me what's new in the world and also things of potential interest that usually get put on my wishlist. For example, one specific ad I saw this morning, was showing a brand of marker that I had previously looked into on multiple sites. Since I do a lot of art, I find myself constantly searching the web for different forms of utensils to better my work. From asking different artists about what they use to looking through catalogs and reading what would best benefit me, I can make a decision on the next type of markers I may want. The marketing provided by the web helps by showing me different kinds of art tools that help me on that journey. The marketing did seem really personalized as if it knew the exact things I  searched up and catered to those needs and wants. Clicking to different sites, I would see advertisements showing me pictures of the items I had previously looked at. Webpages hosted advertisements about books I had read or wanted to read that I searched up. Moreover, amazon also frequents my browser with personalized advertisements showing art supplies like; Some pens I had searched for the other day, some tablets I looked up weeks ago, and new markers I hadn't known but told me there were better options to choose.


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