Film Idea: Brainstorm

     My idea for the concept of the film opening is still unclear for now as I don't want to rush in without looking at all my options. Normally, I'd have loads of options to choose from and I might still, however they all don't immediately come to mind. Short films are something that I usually always draw ideas from as well since I love how unique they can all be, especially if there's a cool twist or impactful ending. However, most of all, I love reading webtoons and two favorites that came to mind when conversing about ideas today were "Sweet Home". Sweet Home is a webtoon that stars in a "normal" world that quickly becomes an apocalyptic one due to the world's population turning into monsters of shapes, sizes, and intelligence. The most prominent thing about this webtoon is that you turn into a monster based on what your "desire" is, and whatever your desire is would be twisted and distorted, becoming more harmful than it was meant to be. Perhaps for this project, I'd take a psychological approach, I do love a good brainbuster, something that really makes people wonder or take into account tons of hidden meanings.


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