S-DAW #2


The five basic principles of layout and composition help elevate design because they all appeal to the eye and have clear and concise content within them. Proximity puts together related information so it's less confusing about what you're reading and not spread out all over the page randomly. Other content that is unrelated is separated from each other, showing the "lack of a relationship", making your work easier to understand. White space or negative space helps separate your content from each other and make it less cluttered. Alignment helps neatly place consistent lines. Instead of throwing around pictures or information around,  alignment helps your design be consistent and easy to look at. Contrast shows the difference between content, with text, color, and size. Hierarchy helps with navigating through your design by making the most important things to notice stand out first. Important items would be bolded, larger, underlined, and/or changed a different color, even trying to appeal to the viewer's eyes. Repetition helps the design be consistent with both the look as well as the feel. Instead of choosing clashing colors, choose colors on the spectrum that go well with each other. Consistency makes your work easier to read and helps the viewer focus better on the design content. I will include these principles of layout and composition in my sketches to better show how much easier my work will be to read, how the information will be kept, and make sure the viewer can focus on the magazine.


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